Cambria Archers’ shooting etiquette

Most of these are just common sense and are what we do anyway but it is still worth  clarifying a few points.

  • Always help set up and put away all equipment – it’s good for warming up and  down. 

  • No loud noises or conversation on or near the shooting line 

  • Whilst shooting, wait for neighbours to complete their shots before moving on and off the line The field captain decides when to shoot and collect  

  • Anyone can call “FAST” if they see a person or animal coming within the perimeter 

  • Upon hearing “FAST”, all shooting must stop and all arrows should be returned to their  quivers 

  • If you lose an arrow, stop shooting for that end and tell everyone.  If your bow is 20lbs or less in draw weight you may carry on shooting the rest of the end

  • Lost arrows MUST be found since we shoot on a public space. The archer cannot resume shooting until the arrow is found. Everyone will help to look for the missing arrow 

  • A committee member or coach can suggest an archer shoots at a closer distance if they are missing  too often at their chosen target 

  • Coaching is not permitted unless an archer specifically asks for it 

  • Please do ask if you need to know anything or if you’d like some coaching or advice We’re all here to help

    Enjoy your archery! 

Here’s a link to the AGB etiquette section in the Rules of Shooting. Look on page vii near the  beginning of the document